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Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sing along

Wednesday, April 04, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas 1 comment
Sorry for the lack of posts, but there is not much going on here in Malta at the moment.
The summer is coming closer and hopefully we will get at least a couple of more weeks with good weather here before we leave.

And even though I feel really good with the fact that I´m leaving Malta for now I still wish I would have been here for the early summer, but if the future is ok with it I´ll be coming back to Malta.

We had planned on going with a friends catamaran for a day and seeing the surrounding islands, but we have not yet been able to gather enough people to make it so, we would like to be at least 5, and up to a max of 10 people to go, and we will try to get this done before we are leaving.

I will try and push the americans down here to join us for a day when the weather is good, cause they could use a break from winning all the money online and give someone else a chance.

Other than there is at the moment not much to say, I´ll hope to have an update on the coming 3 weeks activites for you soon, and if not, I´ll make a post about some tv show or something.

C U Soon.


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