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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hoodiladi Hoodiladi...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Pretty much as expected I found a fucking excuse to not start going to the gym.

It started with me getting a cold and when this passed I just refused to not get the huge thumb out of my ass and get out of bed.
I have at least bought a membership for a month and has now been there twice this week, I currently do not have any measurements to share, as I have been too lazy to go out and by a measurement tape, what a shocker huh…

At the moment I do not have a set schedule on what or how to work out, mostly because I feel it is better for me to do what I think is “a bit more fun” at the gym, as to give myself a bit more of a chance to stick it out instead of getting scared away by having to do “boring” stuff.

I have thrown around some weights for a bit and then I end the session with some cardio on a bike for 10 minutes of intervals or 20 minutes of straight cycling, and hopefully I will manage to stick it out longer in the future, if I manage to see any improvements.

Apart from  this, there is basically nothing going on in my life, and I am honestly getting a bit bored at the moment and feel I need something that will jolt me back into the right frame of mind again, be it some good run in poker or something new and exciting with work, but I feel something must happen.

Anyway, I will try and post more than I have, even though it might be pointless mumblings of a mad man or such stuff.

The next post I was thinking about posting some tv/movie reviews as these are things that I’ve always been interested in and think I have a good grasp on, at least I have thoughts about most of it, good or bad J

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