A blog about anything and everything!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Next stop Sweden

Friday, April 27, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
In 30 minutes there will a guy here stealing back the router for our internet and we will be going into radio silence for a few days.

Hopefully everthing will be up and running in the apartment in Sweden by sunday night or monday so I can start posting again, but until then you all just take care and have a nice time doing whatever you do.

Just to let you all know, it´s 23 degrees here at the moment and a nice big sun is shining on us and almost pisses me off, but I´ll take it for now.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Woot Woot

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Only 5 days left on my stay here in Malta before I go back to Sweden for a not yet decided period of time. And if I´ll come back to Malta in the future or not is only up to the future to decide, I´ve had a really good time down here and would gladly come back and spend a few more months here, during pokers peak months though.

Two of my friends are in Brazil at the moment and I´ve heard some talks about maybe going back there in the fall, and if poker could go ok for the summer and I could get my ass to study some portuguese I would not be a stranger to going there for a while.

But for the coming summer I´ll be spending my time in good old Sweden, keep grinding online and see how that goes, along with watching the European Championship of Football and hoping for an exciting championship for Sweden.

I will also be playing some live poker at the local poker club and try getting some action going there again since it´s been lacking a bit, and when the fish comes back there will be value once again :)

I will keep trying to update the blog and will try to get some interesting posts for the few people that still look in from time to time, and if I´ll keep posting in English or going back to Swedish is up to you, please let me know what you think, maybe there is none at all reading this that cannot understand Swedish :) and then it´s all solved I guess.

I´ll try to post at least one more post before I leave the island, but on friday Melita is coming by here and picking up the router and shutting my internet down for this time.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jump Around

Sunday, April 22, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
When poker is on it´s worst behavior and all you get is kicks to the groin and slowrolls up the wazoo there is no easy way to just shake it off and smile and keep going, and for me to get by all this I need music, and trust me not any music will do.

However, after a quick few sngs today I shut everything down and threw pokerstars out the window (might see if I´ll go down and pick up the pieces tomorrow) and started looking for something to get me back in the mood that does not make me wanna kill the first person that speaks to me.

What I found was this clip that just made me smile and got me back to happy mode again, and not only to see they all enjoyed them self, but also the music itself is great ofc.

And while on the subject of music, you might as well listen to this song from Everlast latest album.
I really love his voice and I got to say that some of his lyrics might not be liked by everyone but who cares, someone has to talk about the subject that some people sweep under the rug.

A bit of a disturbing video, but that is just hand in hand with his lyrics.

2 more songs from the latest album


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Today I decided to act like a true tourist, so I ordered a taxi and went to Mdina.

Mdina "Silent City" is the old capitol of Malta and is surrounded by huge walls and has only a population of around 400, and according to what I´ve read, only the town citizens are to drive a car in the town, which I can understand seeing how narrow the streets are.

They say that the town takes about 10 minutes to walk through and even in my tempo (barely faster than a sloth) you get through the place in a short time. But I suggest that you take your time and see the old buildings and the Cathedral and such, and why not make a stop at Fontanella Café on top of the bastion and take a break with something to eat or drink while enjoying the view of Malta.

Anyways, as I said, I acted like a tourist today and took alot of pictures, and I have put a few of them below, and I might post some more later on.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Total Recall

Friday, April 13, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone starred in the original movie from 1990 and in the remake of 2012 we get to see Colin Farrell is Quaid and I have to say that the trailer look promising, even though remakes can always be a big letdown, but I will still see this one.

We will also have the pleasure of seeing the ever so good looking Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel in this one.

And after a few seasons of Breaking Bad it will be good to see Bryan Cranston in a what I hope to be a real movie again, and not just a joke like Disneys John Carter crap, and for those of you that has not seen Breaking Bad yet I urge you to see it.

As director of this remake you´ll see Len Wiseman, a still young and new director with not many movies under his belt, but such as Underworld and Underworld: Evolution, so I guess the artistic and cinematic area of the movie cannot be anything to complain about.

Coming in August.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Thursday, April 12, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
When I look through Ridley Scott director credits it makes me laugh a bit, it´s a seriously impressive list of films I must say, such as the original Alien, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, American Gangster and many many more.

And to see him going back to the sci-fi genre is a bit exciting to say the least, cause I have a hard time finding people that did not like the original Alien, and even though it´s not the same writers I still have faith in Mr Scott to give us a film to remember.

This film is to be set in the same universe as Alien and has some shared events of what I´ve read, but how that will play out I have no idea. And I still would like to see Ridley Scott take up the commitment he once made, to do a sequal to Alien, but for now this is what we have to go with.

The cast of this film is one of mixed emotions for me, first of all I´m happy to see our Swedish Noomi Rapace having a role that I hope will give her more credit than the role in the crappy second Sherlock Holmes did.

For most of you people like Charlize Theron and Guy Pearce is no new names and the should not be, however there are a few faces showing up that might be worth mentioning.

Michael Fassbender alot of people know of, most recent got alot of press for showing his junk in the film Shame.

It cannot have been easy to not see Idris Elba in anything the last few years, he has been in way to many films and tv-shows, even though he is a great actor. Most know as Stringer Bell in the tv-show The Wire.

Logan Marshall-Green is an actor that I like, and you might have seen him a brief moment in the canceled tv-show The Traveler, and later came back in the tv-show Dark Blue, in 24, in The O.C, and I hope he get more press and more demanding roles than he has had in the past.

Other than that I guess there is not much to say other than showing you the trailer and hoping you get excited to see the film just as I did.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
I know, I know... updates is a bitch, but get over it as they say.

Anyways, just wanted to tell you about the latest movie trailers I´ve watched and my thoughts on the coming movies, and I´ll try to give you a few thoughts about at least 1 movie per day for the rest of the week/weekend.

Sure it can all become a piece of shit like an ordinary Steven Seagal movie with some guns and action and no brain at all, yeah a movie you watch on sundays when you are extremely tired and bored.

But with the people involved I have a feeling it will at least become better than that.
And when I say that I am not talking about the writers, sadly I must say they lean more towards the easy going action writing, but I put my trust in Oliver Stone as director of this one, and I´ve not seen him direct a piece of shit, yet.

Actors in this movie is a mix of old and up and coming, we have sexy Salma Hayek and as sexy Blake Lively giving us something to look at if they was to act poorly, and Mr Travolta is back once again, and we all know what he will bring us, a bit of a meeh performance I guess, but ok.

We have Emile Hirsch who was exellent in Into the Wild, good in Alpha Dog, and sadly did Speed Racer....

Taylor Kitsch is the most recent "be in all movies" actor and from what I hear he and the movie John Carter SUCKED, but what to expect from Disney... But I´ll give him another chance in Peter Bergs Battleship, (cause I´ve not seen Friday Night Lights).

Aaron Johnson I am still undecided about...

Then we have actors that pretty much never let us down, like Uma Thurman and Benicio Del Toro to bring the movie back up if everything else sucks, however I´ve no clue on Thurmans part yet.

You can see the trailer below.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sing along

Wednesday, April 04, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas 1 comment
Sorry for the lack of posts, but there is not much going on here in Malta at the moment.
The summer is coming closer and hopefully we will get at least a couple of more weeks with good weather here before we leave.

And even though I feel really good with the fact that I´m leaving Malta for now I still wish I would have been here for the early summer, but if the future is ok with it I´ll be coming back to Malta.

We had planned on going with a friends catamaran for a day and seeing the surrounding islands, but we have not yet been able to gather enough people to make it so, we would like to be at least 5, and up to a max of 10 people to go, and we will try to get this done before we are leaving.

I will try and push the americans down here to join us for a day when the weather is good, cause they could use a break from winning all the money online and give someone else a chance.

Other than there is at the moment not much to say, I´ll hope to have an update on the coming 3 weeks activites for you soon, and if not, I´ll make a post about some tv show or something.

C U Soon.
