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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Winter's coming...

Sunday, November 24, 2013 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
I have recently been playing a bit more online than live and funny enough online has been going ok, if you count the result, however it was all from one days grind almost, but it still feel like something I wish to keep playing, even though I know that as soon as I find it fun, the bad run comes.

Live poker has been a torture and the joy that I’ve had when playing live has totally gone out the window, I think it is mostly due to me playing only mtts live, and as we all know there is a fair bit of variance in mtts.

I have decided that my next visit to the casino will be a day where I will be playing cashgames, even if I play a small little mtt in the wait for cashgame tables opening up, as the goal will be to grind the cashgame.

What else is going on? Not much I must say, I’ve been back and forth in the question if I am to go back to Sweden for 1 week during Christmas or not, and as of yet I have not yet decided on what to do.

This is mainly due to the cost of traveling of course, however the idea of traveling to Munich or Frankfurt and spending a few hours on the airport there before switching flight is not exactly something that makes me jump and down of joy either.

I will however have to make up my mind as there is fewer flights that has seats available for each passing day.

Going home and meeting my family would be very nice though, especially as I have not been home for Christmas the last 2 years, as those has been spent down here in Malta, doing nothing at all.

We have the annual Christmas party with work on the 6th of December, and hopefully this year it will better organized than last year, which in my opinion was something not to be proud of. 

Who knows, perhaps I might even drink some alcohol, even though I am working the day after the party.

I will try and make up my mind on the Christmas plans by the time the paycheck comes, and try getting my ass home and stuff my fat face with even more food, getting all that nice Christmas cooking as well as the awesome Swedish junk food, that is almost worth it by itself.

Until next time, enjoy life and have fun.
