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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My dear old friends

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Having been away from Sweden now for 6-6.5 months with only a quick 3 day visit back home there is a few things you really come to miss.

And when I say miss, I am not talking about friends and family (which I also miss ofc) but food and other greazy stuff, and a few things come to mind right off the bat.

Trocadero must be the only beverage that I`m missing when out traveling, this liquid gold with taste of orange and apples is a mystery how it´s not being exported abroad.
And in order to get my taste buds jumping I´m forced to mix Fanta and Coca Cola in order to get a little taste of history at least, since it reminds me of yet another drink.

That mix will remind you of how Fanta Black Orange tasted, a drink that came and went in Sweden during the 80´s and is still missed today, along with the friends Vira Blåtira and Kiviga Kruse.
If you want to get a taste of how it tasted, just mix 2 parts Fanta Orange and 1 part Coca Cola and you will get a very similar taste.
And when it comes to food there is always alot of nice steaks to go for while traveling, but for some reason we Swedes have become some kind of sauce junkies, and me myself really like a good sauce while having a steak, no matter how juice the steak is, a good sauce is that little extra flavour.

And there is one specific sauce I miss more than others, and that is ofc Béarnaise Sauce.
Kebabpizza is one of those things that has been missed the most, and not only when traveling abroad, but when you leave Sandviken, since I would like to say that we in Sandvikens history has had the best kebabpizza ever, sadly the quality has dropped over the years, but it´s still one of my top choices for last meal  if I would be seated at death row.

And yeah yeah, I know people say you can make one where ever you go, but I do not agree, since first of all the swedish pizza is alot different than others, the doe is not as dry, yet more salty and elastic, and the kebab is not lamb, but beef, and if you get the kebab from Stockholm Kebab you can get the correct mix that Viking in Sandviken had before, and was the nuts.

And then you top if off with iceberg lettuce and ofc the hot sauce and the yougurt sauce, and it will taste like a dream.
And below are just some pics to share.
(Above) From a very happy night with friends at Ali´s place.
(Above) David proved he could eat, I think he took it all down actually.
(Above) The Maltese complete disregard for rules and signs haha
(Above) My latest shopping brought me back to the good old days of hip hop.

Thanks and take care people.



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