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Monday, October 08, 2012

Working all nights

Monday, October 08, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
At this very moment there is a calm bit of time here at work and I'll take the chance to wriite a short update to the few of you that still look at this place.

I am sorry I have not posted in a long time, but days here are pretty much only sleeping and working as I've told you.

As soon as I can afford it I will buy a membership at a gym and go there and look at people working out while I eat a chocolate muffin in the jacuzzi.

Work is going better and better and I like the people I work with, all three of them are good carrots and as long as they do not hate me I think this will work just fine.

My work is pretty much me answering emails and taking care of chats and stuffing my face with red bull and muffins, not exactly the healthy period of time in my life that some people hoped this trip to be, but who knows, maybe I'll lose a pound or two if I get sick or something.

Me and Degen went to the movies the other day, and Total Recall was so boring that both of us fell asleep, but I'll go there soon again and hopefully see something a bit better.

Since I have not much to write about regarding my own life I might update you during the week with some football and movie talk, which is pretty much all I know.

I will also update if I manage to get a stake and can start playing MTTs again, but that does not look that promising at the moment.

So until then just take care of yourself.



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