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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
It has now been a month since I left Sweden this time around, and as always there are certain food or drinks that you miss when away for a while, and as all of you that know me can figure out there is pizza I miss the most.

And when my best friend understood that I had these cravings without telling him he of course decided to torture me even more by sending me a picture of a pizza the other day. Thanks a lot for the one G... (picture below)

And when I got this I could not stop drooling and my mind went to all other good pizzas back in Sandviken, and the famous Swedish kebab pizza came to mind of course, a pizza that I truly feel could never be as good as it once was at Pizzeria Viking when we worked there about 10 years ago or something like that.

 Now that I have drooled enough to wipe my face twice I will try and convince myself that there will be a time in the not too far future when I will have time off and visit Sandviken again and go bananas on the junk food that is offered there. 

Until then I will have to do with the food that is found down here, which sadly I do not find is up to par. 
Opening a Swedish pizzeria/kebab shop or Swedish household food I truly feel would be a good investment since this would be nothing like the stuff they have down here, and there is also plenty of Swedish people living down here who all miss the Swedish food in some instance or other. 

When it comes to Malta otherwise there a still stuff that amazes me a bit, today for example I noticed the following note on a trash bin. 

For now I will have to do with what I can find down here, and as soon as the domestic issue has been settled with all the kids in the flat I hope everything will be a bit better down here, since there at the moment is so much arguing and fighting between certain parties, which I think is a bit childish to be honest, but this is for them to settle, and I hope they find a solution that is good for us all. 

I will probably post a blog in the future explaining everything that has happened down here, but for now I will keep it to myself in order to spare certain people. 

Until the next post (which I hope will come up soon), have a nice day and have a pizza for me. 




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