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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Motivation ?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Posted by Alexander Lucas 1 comment

There is a lot of stuff that I wish I could do here in life, and not stuff like being the fastest man, or beat Tyson in his prime or such goals that is just not possible.

But for example, take this with training and working out and getting in shape for example.
I want to be a more fit guy than I am (which is not that hard), but I have so fucking hard to find a motivation that sticks. 

For example today I was at the gym before work because I felt like it, so I went there and lifted some weights and ended with peddling the bike for 20 minutes and managed to run it up to 9.38km at least.

During the cycling I listened to a motivational speech that you can find below, but I have ripped the sound and imported it to my mp3 player to try and motivate me a bit more the few times I actually do anything.
Some annoying sound in the beginning, but then it gets good. 

And yes I felt very motivated and all that, but once tomorrow morning come I will once again feel the same as most days, that I just do not have the energy or the motivation to actually get my fat ass going to do anything, and along with this is the fact that I do not feel it being a fun time while at the gym, as I know there are people that do (unless they all lie).

So then the question remains, what to do ?

I am a bit scared to say this, but I guess “nothing” is the answer that often comes to mind, mostly because I feel as there is not many years left here in life anyway where you can actually do anything even if you are fit, so why spend time and money on something that is not an enjoyment for you ?

Some people say “but what if you get sick?” or “you can die if you do not get I shape”, but regarding the last of those 2 I have no fear of dying, this will come no matter what you do.

The first is a bit of a concern though, I admit that, because I do not want to become a drooler that can not take care of himself, if that day come I really hope that I have nice friends that will end it for me haha.

When it comes to motivation, one of the biggest obstacles that I feel that is holding me back is that I am a realistic person in that instance that I know that for me to get in acceptable shape there would be a couple of years of hard work and probably a big change in diet. 

And probably also for something that I would not even like to eat, which is the entire thing with food, that it is supposed to be an enjoyment to sit down and having something to eat, not just something to stuff your belly with in order to keep functioning.

One of those hypothetical question that you ask each other from time to time is :
“If you could take 1 pill everyday and this would fill the nutritional needs you have and you would not feel hungry, would you take it?”

Some days I feel I would take it gladly since these are the days where you have nothing to eat and if you are gonna eat out you know all the places and you are a bit fed  up.

Other days I would never take such a thing, because I would never be able to give up pizza, kebab, chicken, beef and such stuff, I really love food way too much.

Well, I just put this together since there was a calm period here at work for the moment, I will try and post a bit more often for you few that still check me once in a while.

Tomorrow 4 friends from Sweden is coming down so I will try to post pictures and some stories perhaps.

Take care.


1 comment:

  1. Har du ingen motivation kommer inget hända. Det är din starkaste drivkraft, precis som klippet du la upp visade. Ju mer du tränar, desto lättare blir det. Ju mer du kan hålla en bra diet desto lättare blir det. Många fattar inte vad en bra diet är, utan LÄS vad det är. Tips är författaren Fredrik Paulun. Klart man blir sugen på skräpmat ändå, men unna dig det en gång i veckan EN gång, då är det överkommligt, mest psykologiskt. Det blir lättare och roligare ju längre man kommer. Det måste appliceras som en livsstil, att äta bra och röra på sig. Gillar man inte gymmet så gör nåt annat. Det finns bara en uppsida med att hitta en bra vikt och en bra livsstil. Det finns många som pratar om trivselvikt....det är mest talespersonen för latmasken i dem som talar.

    Kom igång och gör det eller sluta tjata om att göra det. Just do it. Hata det - men sluta inte. En dålig dag är inget skäl att ge upp. När man vaknar på morgonen är pappret vitt, redo att fyllas på av goda saker. Just do it.
