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Thursday, August 08, 2019


Thursday, August 08, 2019 Posted by Alexander Lucas , , No comments
We started the day at 9am with a "Bolt"-ride to the airport, which of course took longer than it should, due to all the damn constructions that is happening everywhere in Malta nowdays. 

Finally there the place was so crowded I really wanted to turn around, but with some planning, I had decided to not check any luggage, and just travel with my carry on bag. 

After security checks I decided to buy a water at Costa Cafe, and after waiting in 30+ heat for 20 minutes (maybe less) I had to go to the toilet and change my shirt, as it was drenched in sweat (great start). 

Checking the board and see the flight is delayed 90 minutes (great...), so I sit down and wait, and Fjuno joins me and decide to get something to eat, and at this point my spideysense is tingling and I decide to check the board again, yeah the flight is boarding as we speak... (I watched the wrong flight of course, who knew that many flights were going to Sweden), so we had to stress a bit and Fjuno had to cancel his food order. 

Finally on the plane I sit down and see what looks like smoke (video below). 

However before I freaked out, the flight attendant informed everyone that this was just due to the temperature difference inside the plane and outside (yeah right...). 

Just as we are about to land, the phone buzz and I get a message from "Stubben" who had been great enough to agree and pick us up at the airport. 

He sent a photo of the car on a trailer and tells me that the car broke down in Uppsala (halfway to the airport) and that he had to get a rental car to get back home. 

We of course felt shit, and hope that the insurance will cover this shit for him. 
After some quick thought while inhaling a hamburger at Max (oh my, it was tasty, but forgot to take a picture), I did for a while thought about getting a rental car for us as well, but we took the financially more mature decision and took the train. 

The evening was spent with my mom and Uffe and a couple glass of whiskey and just catching up a bit, and Friday will be spent playing poker in Gävle and saying hi to some old friends. 

Some photos below. 

I will try and document the trip and share with anyone that feel like reading this. 

Have a great day everyone. 


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