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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fat and poor, such a joy…

Saturday, October 21, 2017 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments

We are now moving into July and currently the plan is to stay in our flat until the end of August and then move to another place.
Main reason for leaving is that the rent at this place is way too high.
Our current rent per month is €1600 for a 3 bedroom flat, and with Filthy Philly moving out at the end of July, it will be too much to pay €800 each for me and Totti. Sure it works a month or two, but we both feel like checking to see what is out there in regards to flats.
That being said, we have not yet decided if we are going to find a 2 bedroom flat and share, or if we are going our separate ways, like a divorced couple and finding our own flats.
Totti wants to go to Las Vegas (well daahh!), so a bink in the near future and he may travel and play the rush!

What is happening in life in general?
To be true to myself, absolute nothing at all, and I am having one of those periods where I have no energy or will to do anything.
And YES, this is mostly coming from my physical condition of course, and who knows, I may TRY yet another time to do some kind of workout or shit in the near future.

Since I a few weeks back tore my hamstring, and this is mostly back to where it was, even though I feel some tension sometimes, I mainly feel that my hip and back is a bit twisted, and this is affecting me on how I sit at the desk in the office, to me just standing up and pretty much everything else I do.
I will try and get the back sorted, and have booked an appointment with a chiropractor on Thursday next week and hopefully he can sort me out a bit.

Since most of you that are reading this are “normally” built and not really understand some of the annoying parts of being fat, I thought I would share top 2 for the summer, and I am not bringing up the fact that it is hot as fuck and you sweat.

Main pain in the ass is finding clothes that fit and do not look like shit, so it is easy to get to the point where you really do not care.
Almost split for first place, especially living in Malta, is the fact that pretty much every fucking place here have furniture (inside and outside) that are built for 12 year old girls that max out on 38 kilos.
These furnitures that has been in the scorching sun all day become more like cooked spaghetti, and the weight they can handle is not even close to where I am at the moment.

While writing this, Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation is showing in the background and Ethan Hunt has just dived into the cooling pool and is holding his breath for 3 minutes.
I have to say that it is always interesting on how you sometimes can “spot yourself” holding your breath while watching scenes like that. Or example realizing how you are so tensed up while watching MMA or boxing, even though you are relaxing in bed or on the sofa.

Now time to get some sleep, another day of work tomorrow and then a nice weekend to relax a bit.


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