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Friday, May 27, 2016

Wait what? A new post? Really?

Friday, May 27, 2016 Posted by Alexander Lucas No comments
Hello people,

Long time no hear, as one would say in the Vietnamese jungle.

I basically stopped writing due to not much happening and the content was becoming stale and boring.

I would like to say that not much has changed since I wrote last, but a few small things have changed at least and I also have a couple of shorter trips to Sweden planned for the summer and then winter, so who knows, there might be some content over the next 6-7 months.

As I wrote in one of my older posts, I really felt like I needed a change in regards to my work and I am happy to share that I moved out from the night shift in customer service and have since the beginning of the year been part of our Marketing department.

It is a whole new side of the company that I get to see and learn and I also feel that it will bring me a wider knowledge of how to run and admin certain parts, as well as being more creative of course, which is always a fun challenge.

So far it has been going ok and not any painful conflicts when it comes to artistic freedom haha, but I am sure that they will come sooner or later.

We currently have a big part of the year a head of us since June/July will host the Euro 2016 and hopefully a really good showing from our Swedish National team, and a win against Ireland in game 1 would be the best possible thing, not only for Sweden, but also since our COO is from Ireland.

I am currently also sharing a flat with 2 Swedish friends that both were poker players when they came down here, but the sickest runout ever happened and here we are now, all 3 working full time within the gaming industry for 3 different companies, and from what I hear it seem to be going better than expected for them both.

Our current contract on the flat that we are living in expire at the end of August if not mistaken, so from September it is still not decided on how the living arrangements will be, as it do take a bit of a toll on everyone to share place with 2 others, and since we all work in different areas, it may be easier to live closer to work as well.

We will see what happens, but we get to that when it is time, and trying to talk with an agent about a flat from September, when we are in end of May, is hopeless and they will not even try and listen.

Apart from all that I have gained 10-20 more kilos, which is to no surprise since I am not moving around the slightest, but I do love to eat.

I will not try and write something about me trying to work out or change my diet, as we all know I have not got character enough to do any of these things, so for now we are where we are and the summer is coming and I will be sweating like an overweight Swede in Malta, yeah exactly like that.

There are so many tv-show pilots being made now and it pisses me off how come some of them even get made, as it is very, very clear that they will have no chance.

My next 2 posts (I think it will be a 2 part post) will be about upcoming pilots and my own guess on which of these that will get picked up for full seasons and NOT cancelled, or which I think will be cancelled.

Anyway, there will be some sporadic posts here and there and I will share on facebook and twitter whenever a new post is out, so if you feel like reading, you are welcome.

I wish you all the best and a great summer.

/Alexander Lucas